About Niemeijer Consult
Bosnia program
Psychology and Psychotherapy
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Our Bosnia program

Program management

    Since 1996, Niemeijer Consult manages a program financed by ABC/DCT (Dutch Government) to upgrade the medical sector in Tuzla Kanton (Bosnia) to Western European levels.

    This program consists of the following activities:

    1. teaching of graduates and postgraduates at the University of Tuzla

    3. the organization of an exchange program for medical staff of the University Hospital, the Medical Faculty and major health centers in Tuzla Kanton

    5. support to the newly created Department of Family Medicine of the University of Tuzla

    7. advisory work on data management at the Pathology Department of the University Hospital.

    Niemeijer Consult manages this program, organizes the exchange visits from Bosnian medical doctors and specialists to Dutch Hospitals and private practitioners, and the visits by specialists and family doctors from the Netherlands to train medical staff in Bosnia.


    Since 1996, Niemeijer Consult provides a series of intensive courses on medical research methods at graduate and post-graduate levels at the Medical Faculty of the University of Tuzla (Bosnia). These courses cover subjects such as clinical epidemiology, research design in medicine, planning of research and sampling issues in medical research, data-analysis, and bio-statistics. The courses include guidance with thesis research of students at graduate and post-graduate levels.

Treatment of victims of war

    Niemeijer Consult is actively involved in training and supervision of Bosnian therapists (psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, and educators) of war victims such as refugees, war orphans, and war invalids. From 1996, a yearly series of three one-week workshops has been organized by Niemeijer Consult for this purpose. In the first year, these workshops focused on the traumatic experiences of the therapists themselves, while demonstrating the use of different therapeutic techniques. Since, the focus has shifted to supervision and detailed discussion of case material presented by the participants.
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